“Thank you so much for speaking to our employees yesterday and also taking time to answer questions and take pictures.The positive feedback has been overwhelming. It was by far the most enjoyed part of the day for our staff. You are truly an impactful and gifted speaker. Powerful speakers have the ability to change people’s perspectives and that’s exactly what you did yesterday. I sincerely hope to have the chance to hear you speak again.
Jess Mader, Greater Lawrence Community Action Council, Inc.
“You are powerful motivation for a lot of people. I can imagine that in many ways this is a time of wildly mixed emotions. But you are a brave and powerful person—and that’s not because of what happened. It’s because of who you are. And I hope, especially on the toughest days, you feel loved and supported.
Lisa Hughes, WBZ-TV Anchor/Reporter
“In all the years I have known Roseann, she has always carried herself with dignity, integrity and a charisma that is sincere and genuine. She possesses a positive energy and enthusiasm that is contagious. I have seen her face challenges with determination and a level head while maintaining a sense of humor and calm disposition. There has been no greater challenge in her life than the challenges she has experienced after her injury at the Boston Marathon.
Roseann has demonstrated an enormous amount of courage and strength that has inspired people from all walks of life. What I have discovered while seeing Roseann recover is that while she lost part of her leg, she has not lost her spirit, her sense of humor or the love she has in her heart. Those qualities now shine and have become more prominent as she progresses through her recovery and learns to deal with the challenges each day.
Fran Doherty, former co-worker
“Roseanne, I Just wanted to express my heartfelt thanks to you for yesterday. Your remarks were perfect and so appreciated by our guests.
I'll be thinking of you for the remainder of the next two weeks and especially Tuesday. I will be in the audience wishing the best for a successful day.
Amy Dominici, Boston Marathon Interagency Coordinator
“I don't think I can ever forget the first day I met Roseann for her outpatient evaluation visit. I was aware of what she had endured prior to meeting her. But she hopped in with the crutches with a smile on her face and was ready to start with her PT sessions. She said "This is what it is and I would like to learn how to use my prosthesis for walking and move on in my life." Her positive approach towards her rehabilitation has always been inspirational even for me. Since that day I have never seen her let up or give up during physical therapy. She has worked tirelessly through all her grueling sessions here and has always reevaluated her progress for achieving higher goals. Her will to succeed is infectious and I truly admire her courage and determination.
Urvashi Chogle, Physical Therapist (Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital)
“She came to me nearly lifeless. Barely alive after losing most of her blood onto the concrete of Boylston Street, she was still talking…but barely. Although she doesn’t remember, she grasped my hand and begged me not to let her die. In the chaos of tightening her tourniquets and moving her to the operating room, I did not respond. I intended to save her, and words would just slow that process down.
When Roseann woke up the following day and I removed her from the ventilator and took out her breathing tube, I could tell she was going to be different. I do not recall her exact first words, but I do recall them making me smile…an unusual initial response for someone just learning about the tragedy that has befallen them. Over the following days and repeated operations we talked often. Each day her attitude impressed me. Her zeal and resilience, her focus and determination, her perspective and her insight were all unusual. And not just unusual, but remarkable. I’ve done this operation hundreds and hundreds of times on countless patients, and she was different. Everyone recovering from tragedy has good and bad days, but most of Roseann’s were good. This isn’t by accident; it is by choice. It was a choice she made every morning when she opened her eyes, and maybe even as she slept. Her choice was simple: she would recover, she would succeed, she would adapt, and she would overcome. This conscious, deliberate effort drove her through an exceptional recovery, despite confronting a host of fears. She recognized those fears and demons, confronted them, and crushed them. Despite the loss of a limb, she is complete again.
Roseann’s smile is infectious. Her approach to life, adversity, and challenge is exemplary. One does not simply “bounce back” after this kind of incident. One must decide on the outcome long before it comes to fruition and will it to be become reality. Roseann did that. She did it for herself and she did it for many others who watched her recovery and were inspired by her. I was inspired by her, and remain inspired by her every day. I witnessed a woman conquer that which would destroy many others, and commonly does. Roseann is unique and special, in all senses of the words. She will serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration for others who are struggling through recovery of an injury, or struggling to recover from any one of a million of life’s curve-balls.
David R King, MD, FACS, Massachusetts General Hospital
“As Roseann's personal trainer for the past seven years, I have witnessed her commitment and perseverance to a healthy lifestyle firsthand. Her mental drive and focus to regain full mobility and achieve her long term goal of running a 5k is inspiring to me and many others who have seen her during workouts.
Although her toughness is easy to notice on the surface, Roseann has always had an extremely witty and sarcastic sense of humor that adds layers to her personality. By way of this banter, she articulates the most personal and important message with absolute clarity, while seamlessly adding a style and sense of humor all her own.
Roseann's never give up attitude reminds me of Jim Valvano, an NCAA basketball coach who died of cancer, who was best know for his panache for life, his sarcastic wit and humor, and ultimately his foundation's tag line, "Don't give up.....Don't ever give up."
Justin Medeiros,West Newton BSC, Master Trainer
“Thank you SO MUCH for speaking at our event on Thursday. You did a beautiful job!
We got great feedback regarding you being there. Our folks said you were a great speaker, inspiring, very ‘real’, and they certainly appreciated your openness to answer any questions they posed. They loved how you were able to connect to our group regarding property management.
Courtney Mathiowitz, NALP, HallKeen, Marketing Manager
“High school graduation is an unforgettable day for hundreds of seniors each June; a culmination of twelve years of systematic learning designed to prepare graduates for their future. For Dracut High School graduates and the assembled thousands of proud families and friends, the special event became even more unforgettable when Roseann Sdoia presented her poignant and heartfelt story of overcoming unbelievable adversity. Her articulately delivered message resonated with all in attendance as she recounted the events of April 15, 2013. The true meaning of her message, however, emerged as Roseann challenged graduates to overcome the unexpected events that life presents us in various ways. Being Boston Strong is not just a catch phrase to Roseann....it defines her in how she lives her life.
Dr. Michael McNamara, Chairman, Dracut School Committee
“Roseann - Thank you for your extremely motivational talk to the students of Westford Academy yesterday. My son was in the audience and was deeply touched by your message of strength, hope and motivation. Believe me, it is difficult to get the attention of a teenage boy in his Senior year of High School!! Yet, he came away from your talk praising your optimistic outlook on life! You truly made a difference in this teen's life and for that I thank you.
All the best, A. W. W.
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